Friday, May 18, 2012

My New Main Squeeze... Kettlebells

As you may or may not know, I recently bought 3 kettlebells. It took some time because I had to convince Tim of their value. I am not sure why because I bought them with my birthday money. Yes, I still get birthday money. I also bought the heavier set in case he wanted to join in the fun. I know super thoughtful of me.

My strength training routine was boring and repetitive. I was not getting the results I expected and thus it was a time for change. I have had my eye on a set of kettlebells for quite some time. I like to sit on a purchase just to make sure its something I really want or need. I picked up my Kettlebells Wednesday night and I also downloaded an exercise routine from the web. I burnt the files to DVD so I could follow along in real time.

I set my alarm for 6:30 AM and went downstairs to warm-up. I popped the DVD in and learned the exercises without weight before I did the full routine loaded. Proper form is very important to avoid injury. Many of the moves involve your lower back, hips, and glutes. Some of the moves were in my previous strength training routine. Some examples are Romanian Dead Lifts, Goblet Squats, and Lunges. There were a few moves that were new to me, High Pulls, Halos, and Sling Shots. I love the new variety of exercises along with the different equipment. The set that I purchased has 3 phases and you stay on each phase for 4 weeks before moving on.

I am not overly sore but nevertheless I do have some muscle soreness. Its just the perfect amount, enough for me to know I worked my muscles efficiently but not so much that I am too sore to exercise tomorrow.  I can't wait to see the results!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

29 Years

Yesterday I celebrated my 29th birthday!  Sometimes I can't believe I am almost 30 years old. Sometimes I wish I wasn't this old. There are certain goals I thought I would obtain by the time I reached that milestone but only one really bothers me.
I always thought that I would be finished having kids by the time I was 30. Yet here I am at 29 with zero kids and nothing to show for it but a broken heart. I struggle with infertility on a regular basis. I try not to bother tell people about this particular aspect of my life because it is very personal. In some aspects it makes me feel inferior. I know in my heart there is some reason I have not been blessed with a child, but it does not lessen the pain.

We have been trying to get pregnant for about two and a half years. Some of that time has been spent trying to getting a diagnosis (PCOS), and then another diagnosis (high cholesterol). We started with a natural approach before we knew there was a problem and then progressed to a medical approach. The medical approach did not start out kind to me. The side effects of the first drug, clomid, were enough to scare me off for a while so we tried the natural approach again aided by acupuncture. We have been on a break for the last three months because of the high cholesterol which could be from the PCOS. I don't know what caused what or how to fix it. We are where we are for some specific reason.  It doesn't matter that everything to this point has been unsuccessful. We followed our path. We followed our hearts.

Although our journey has been rough I would not change our path no matter the outcome.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"Boat" Shoes

So I was not a fan of the boat shoe at first. I think it was because of the reason that I thought people were wearing them: to be trendy and cute.

I recently bought a pair because I got a really great deal on them and they have memory foam insoles. I can honestly say these are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. To add another reason we also have a pontoon boat. Because we are boat people I feel the need to have "boat" shoes. They make me feel fancy. The shoes not the boat. Although now that I think about it the boat should make me feel fancy not the shoes.

My mom reminded me about a pair of shoes that I had when I was little.  I referred to them as my "deck" shoes. If we went anywhere I would have them on and I would not let them leave my feet if I could help it. I think they were a pair of Eastlands that closely resemble a pair of plain boat shoes. Perhaps I have always been a fan of "boat" shoes and just didn't remember. 

My replacement "deck" shoes seem to be getting just as much wear as the originals. I have no intentions of taking them off any time soon.