Thursday, March 29, 2012

4 Years in the Making

4 years ago today I married my husband Tim. I couldn't have imagined being this happy as a little girl.
Everyone always said they dreamed about what their wedding would be like or their dress. I wasn't one of those girls. I always felt that the person I chose to spend my life with would be more important than all of those things. I have to say I was right!

He is right for me in so many ways I couldn't possibly name them all. Maybe I will name a few in hopes that I will earn some brownie points.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). My doctor did not feel we would have any issues with regards to getting pregnant. However, the easy route is typically not the road that I have the opportunity to travel. He has been very supportive through all the tests, decisions, and let downs. I know in my heart I would not have this support from anyone else.

There are some days that are just awful. You know the ones where nothing goes right, at least how you think it should go. Those days are miserable to get through. I walk in the door and I have flowers sitting on the counter and his arms waiting to hold me. It's enough to put a smile on my face and allows me to put the day behind me.

Honestly, I think my favorite attribute about my husband is the fact that no matter the situation he can almost always make me laugh or smile. He has brought me through too many situations with a joke or a stupid comment, situations or memories that I could have easily cried through. He reminds me that no matter how bad I think a situation is there is always a silver-lining even if we can't see it or if it seems out-of- reach.

I thank God everyday that he has blessed me with such a wonderful man. My life would not be complete without such an integral piece of the puzzle.


  1. Congratulations on 4 years, big cuz!

  2. This is very touching. Each time that I see you guys together, you can tell that you both are in this for the long haul!
