Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Training Part 2

So it turns out that I can't run the half marathon I was planning on. I was a little disappointed when I realized I had a wedding conflict. I was also relieved at the same time. I have never trained for something this quickly. 12 weeks doesn't seem that quick but I haven't been running very long which leads to many, many sore muscles.

I am taking this opportunity to reassess my goals. There is a 5K in May that I am planning on running and possibly a 10K in July. Once I hit these goals I may re-think the idea of running a half marathon. My legs are thanking me as I write this.

It's not that I don't want to run the half marathon. I was actually looking forward to trying to run 13.1 miles, to stepping outside of my comfort zone to accomplish something very different.  I guess I was just excited about the opportunity to run with my sister. We ran the Thanksgiving Day race a couple times in the past together but it has been a long time since I have been in running shape. I told her the news yesterday. We agreed to try to find another race to run together. Got to love family bonding!

Since I will be dialing back my training regimen I can start cross training again. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to handle both and I hated the idea of sacrificing my resistance training. I was beginning to miss the soreness from one too many squats. I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore.

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